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The World's Best Sourdough English Muffin Recipe

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Sourdough English Muffins (Simple Overnight Recipe) Milk and Pop Recipe in 2020 Sourdough
Sourdough English Muffins (Simple Overnight Recipe) Milk and Pop Recipe in 2020 Sourdough from


Sourdough English muffins are a delicious and unique breakfast option that offer a tangy, chewy texture that is unparalleled by any other type of bread. This recipe uses a sourdough starter to create a light and airy muffin that is perfect for toasting and slathering with butter and jam.

Prep Time

Active: 30 minutes
Inactive: 6-12 hours

Cook Time

10-15 minutes


- 1 cup active sourdough starter - 1 cup milk - 1/4 cup honey - 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted - 1 tsp salt - 2 cups all-purpose flour - 1/2 tsp baking soda - Cornmeal, for dusting


- Large mixing bowl - Wooden spoon - Measuring cups and spoons - Griddle or skillet - Spatula - Round cookie cutter or biscuit cutter


1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the active sourdough starter, milk, honey, and melted butter. Mix well. 2. In a separate bowl, combine the flour and salt. 3. Slowly add the flour mixture to the sourdough mixture, stirring until a shaggy dough forms. 4. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel and let the dough rest at room temperature for 6-12 hours, or until it has doubled in size. 5. Once the dough has risen, sprinkle the baking soda over the top and stir gently to combine. 6. Heat a griddle or skillet over medium heat. 7. Dust a clean work surface with cornmeal and turn the dough out onto it. 8. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough out to about 1/2 inch thickness. 9. Use a round cookie cutter or biscuit cutter to cut out the muffins. 10. Place the muffins on the griddle and cook for 5-7 minutes on each side or until golden brown. 11. Remove from the griddle and let cool on a wire rack.


- This recipe makes about 10-12 muffins. - You can use any type of milk for this recipe, including plant-based milk. - If you don't have a sourdough starter, you can make one using equal parts flour and water.

Nutrition Info

Per serving (1 muffin):
Calories: 160
Total fat: 5g
Saturated fat: 3g
Cholesterol: 13mg
Sodium: 250mg
Total carbohydrate: 26g
Dietary fiber: 1g
Total sugars: 8g
Protein: 4g

Recipes FAQ

Q: Can I freeze these muffins?
A: Yes, you can freeze these muffins for up to 3 months. Q: What's the best way to reheat these muffins?
A: To reheat, simply toast the muffins in a toaster or toaster oven.

Recipe Tips

- Make sure your griddle or skillet is well-oiled before cooking the muffins to prevent sticking. - Don't skip the cornmeal dusting step, as it adds a nice texture and flavor to the muffins. - You can add other ingredients to the dough, such as herbs or cheese, to customize the flavor.

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