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The Best Concord Grape Wine Recipe

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If you're looking for a delicious and easy homemade wine recipe, then look no further than concord grape wine. This recipe is perfect for anyone who loves the sweet and tangy taste of grapes and wants to try their hand at making their own wine. With just a few simple ingredients and some basic equipment, you can make your own delicious concord grape wine at home.

Prep Time

The total prep time for this recipe is about 30 minutes. However, the fermentation process will take about a month, so be prepared to wait for your wine to be ready.

Cook Time

There is no cook time for this recipe, as the grapes will be fermenting over the course of several weeks.


To make concord grape wine, you will need the following ingredients: - 10 pounds of concord grapes - 7 cups of granulated sugar - 1 package of wine yeast - 1 campden tablet (optional) - 1 gallon of water


To make concord grape wine, you will need the following equipment: - Large pot or bucket - Mesh strainer or cheesecloth - Fermentation vessel (glass carboy or plastic bucket) - Airlock and stopper - Wine bottles and corks (optional)


1. Begin by washing your grapes thoroughly and removing any stems or debris. 2. Place the grapes in a large pot or bucket and crush them with a potato masher or your hands. You want to break the skins and release the juice from the grapes. 3. Add 1 gallon of water to the pot and stir everything together. 4. Cover the pot with a lid or towel and let it sit for 24 hours. 5. After 24 hours, strain the grape juice through a mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a fermentation vessel. 6. Add 7 cups of granulated sugar to the grape juice and stir until it dissolves. 7. If using a campden tablet, crush it and add it to the grape juice. This will help to kill off any wild yeast and bacteria that may be present. 8. Once the sugar has dissolved, sprinkle the package of wine yeast over the surface of the grape juice and stir it in. 9. Install an airlock and stopper on the fermentation vessel and let it sit for 3-4 weeks. 10. After 3-4 weeks, the wine should be ready. You can taste it to see if it needs more time to ferment or if it's ready to bottle.


- It's important to keep everything clean and sanitized to prevent any contamination from bacteria or wild yeast. - Avoid using any metal utensils or containers, as they can react with the wine and affect the flavor. - You can add spices or other fruit juices to the wine to give it a different flavor.

Nutrition Info

The nutrition information for homemade wine can vary depending on the specific recipe and ingredients used. It's important to drink wine in moderation and in accordance with your personal health goals.

Recipes FAQ

Can I use frozen grapes for this recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen grapes for this recipe. Just be sure to thaw them completely before crushing and fermenting them.

Do I need to use a campden tablet?

No, a campden tablet is optional. It can help to prevent contamination from wild yeast and bacteria, but it's not necessary if you're using a high-quality wine yeast.

How do I know when the wine is ready?

You can taste the wine to see if it's ready. It should be slightly sweet and have a low alcohol content. You can also use a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of the wine. When the specific gravity stops changing, the wine is usually ready.

Recipe Tips

- Be patient and let the wine ferment for at least 3-4 weeks before tasting it. - Use a high-quality wine yeast for the best results. - Store the wine in a cool, dark place to prevent oxidation and spoilage. - Have fun and experiment with different flavors and ingredients to customize your wine to your liking.

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