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The Best Basic Soap Recipe: A Beginner's Guide

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Basic Cold Process Soap Recipe Raspberry lemonade, Cold process soap recipes, Raspberry
Basic Cold Process Soap Recipe Raspberry lemonade, Cold process soap recipes, Raspberry from


Making soap is an exciting and rewarding hobby. It allows you to create a personalized product that is perfect for your skin type and scent preferences. However, if you are new to soap making, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This article will guide you through the best basic soap recipe for beginners.

Prep Time

Before you start making soap, make sure you have all the necessary equipment and ingredients. This may take some time and planning, but it will make the soap-making process go more smoothly. Set aside at least 45 minutes for prep time.

Cook Time

Once you have everything ready, the actual soap-making process takes approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the recipe and technique you choose.


For this basic soap recipe, you will need:
  • 16 oz. coconut oil
  • 16 oz. olive oil
  • 13 oz. distilled water
  • 5 oz. lye (sodium hydroxide)
  • 1 oz. fragrance or essential oil (optional)
  • Soap colorant (optional)


You will need the following equipment:
  • Safety goggles
  • Rubber gloves
  • Stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic mixing bowls
  • Stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic measuring cups and spoons
  • Stick blender
  • Candy thermometer
  • Soap molds


Follow these steps to make the best basic soap recipe:
  1. Put on safety goggles and rubber gloves.
  2. In a well-ventilated area, carefully pour the lye into the distilled water while stirring. Do not inhale the fumes.
  3. Set the lye mixture aside to cool to approximately 100°F.
  4. In a separate bowl, melt the coconut oil and olive oil together until they reach approximately 100°F.
  5. Slowly pour the lye mixture into the oil mixture while stirring continuously.
  6. Using a stick blender, blend the mixture until it reaches a light trace. This means that the soap has thickened to the consistency of thin pudding.
  7. Add fragrance or essential oil and soap colorant, if desired, and blend again until fully incorporated.
  8. Pour the soap mixture into soap molds and let it sit for 24-48 hours until it hardens.
  9. Remove the soap from the molds and let it cure for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dry place.
  10. After the curing process, your soap is ready to use!


It is important to handle lye with caution, as it can burn skin and eyes. Always wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when working with lye. Additionally, make sure to use heat-resistant equipment when working with hot oils and lye.

Nutrition Info

Soap is not for consumption and therefore does not have nutritional information.

Recipe FAQ

Can I use different oils in this recipe?

Yes, you can substitute the coconut oil and olive oil for other oils such as palm oil, sunflower oil, or jojoba oil. However, keep in mind that different oils have different properties and may affect the characteristics of your soap.

Can I skip the curing process?

Technically, yes, but curing allows the soap to fully harden and improve its quality. Skipping the curing process may result in a softer and less long-lasting soap.

Can I use food coloring instead of soap colorant?

No, food coloring is not suitable for soap making as it may bleed and stain.

Recipe Tips

  • Make sure to use distilled water, as tap water may contain impurities that can affect the soap's quality.
  • When measuring the lye, use a digital scale for accuracy.
  • Experiment with different fragrances and essential oils to find your favorite scent.
  • Have fun and be creative with your soap designs!

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