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The Best Boiled Eggs Recipe Ever

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Perfect Soft Boiled Eggs
Perfect Soft Boiled Eggs from


Boiled eggs are a staple breakfast food and snack for many people. However, the perfect boiled egg can be tricky to achieve. This recipe will guide you through the steps to make the best boiled eggs ever. Whether you like your eggs soft or hard-boiled, this recipe is sure to produce perfect results every time.

Prep Time

The prep time for this recipe is minimal. It takes about 2 minutes to gather your equipment and ingredients, and another 2 minutes to prepare the eggs for boiling.

Cook Time

The cook time for this recipe depends on whether you want soft or hard-boiled eggs. Soft-boiled eggs take about 4-5 minutes to cook, while hard-boiled eggs take around 8-10 minutes.


To make the best boiled eggs ever, you will need the following ingredients:
  • Eggs
  • Water
  • Salt


You will need the following equipment to make this recipe:
  • A pot with a lid
  • A slotted spoon or tongs
  • A bowl of ice water


Follow these steps to make the best boiled eggs ever:
  1. Place the eggs in a pot and add enough water to cover them by about an inch.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to the water.
  3. Place the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  4. Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid.
  5. For soft-boiled eggs, let the eggs sit in the hot water for 4-5 minutes. For hard-boiled eggs, let them sit for 8-10 minutes.
  6. After the eggs have cooked for the desired amount of time, use a slotted spoon or tongs to remove them from the pot.
  7. Immediately place the eggs into a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process and cool them down.
  8. Let the eggs sit in the ice water for at least 5 minutes.
  9. Peel the eggs and enjoy!


Here are some additional tips to ensure that your boiled eggs turn out perfectly:
  • Use eggs that are a few days old for the best results. Fresh eggs can be harder to peel.
  • Use a pot that is large enough to hold all of the eggs in a single layer.
  • Make sure the eggs are fully submerged in the water.
  • Use a timer to ensure that you cook the eggs for the correct amount of time.
  • Peel the eggs under running water to make the process easier.

Nutrition Info

Boiled eggs are a healthy and nutritious food. Here are some nutrition facts for one large egg:
  • Calories: 78
  • Protein: 6.3 grams
  • Fat: 5.3 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0.6 grams
  • Cholesterol: 186 milligrams

Recipes FAQ

Q: Can I use cold eggs straight from the refrigerator? A: Yes, you can use cold eggs straight from the refrigerator. However, you may need to add an extra minute or two to the cooking time to account for the temperature difference. Q: How do I know if my eggs are fresh? A: To test the freshness of an egg, place it in a bowl of water. If it sinks to the bottom and lays flat on its side, it is fresh. If it stands upright on the bottom or floats to the top, it is not fresh. Q: Can I add vinegar to the water to make the eggs easier to peel? A: Yes, adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the water can make the eggs easier to peel. The acid in the vinegar breaks down the eggshell slightly, making it easier to remove.

Recipe Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you make the best boiled eggs ever:
  • Experiment with the cooking time to find your perfect level of doneness.
  • Try adding different seasonings to the water for a unique flavor. For example, you could add a bay leaf, peppercorns, or herbs.
  • Use a spoon to gently tap the eggshell to crack it before peeling. This can help loosen the membrane and make the peeling process easier.

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